In the enchanting Principality of Monaco, the 18th annual "Bal de Noël" unfolded on December 8, 2023, under the high patronage and in the presence of H.S.H. Princess Charlène of Monaco. This year's ball, held at the opulent Salle Empire of the Hôtel de Paris Monte Carlo, celebrated the Centenary of the birth of Prince Rainier III, a pivotal figure in Monaco's history.
Fabrizio Moretti, Ralph Boghossian, Sabina Bilenko and H.S.H. Princesse Charléne de Monaco
The "Bal de Noël" is a highlight of Monaco's social calendar, heralding the festive season with grandeur and tradition. The 2023 edition was especially poignant, paying tribute to Prince Rainier III, known as the Builder Prince, a statesman, a family man, and a lover of the circus arts. This enchanting evening allowed guests to immerse themselves in a magical Christmas atmosphere while honoring his legacy.
H.S.H. Princess Charléne, Sandrine Knoell, Santa Claus
A significant highlight of the evening was the charity auction conducted by Sotheby's. The auction successfully raised a remarkable €153,000 for the Princess Charlène of Monaco Foundation, with additional donations still flowing in. The foundation is dedicated to saving lives by fighting against drowning and promoting children's education through the values of sports.
The event was graced by the presence of Sandrine Knoell, the founder of the event, alongside celebrities such as Nicky Marbot, Timi-Joy Marbot, Italian actress and presenter Alessandra Monti, Formula-E racer Maximilian Günther, and actresses Shania Geiss and Davina Geiss.
Among the 240 distinguished guests were notable members of the "International Committee of Action," including Donatella Campioni, Inna Maier, Carolina Alabiso, and Elena Lukovnikova, all residents of Monaco. This year's "Bal de Noël" was made even more special with the generous support of Bank Julius Baer and contributions from renowned entities like Boghossian Jewelry, Moretti Fine Art, Italian perfumer Xerjoff, and designer Sabina Bilenko.
H.S.H Princesse Charléne, Sandrine Knoell, Santa Claus, His Excellency The Ambassador of Italy Julio Alaimo, Gareth Wittstock and Roisin Wittstock
In sum, the 2023 "Bal de Noël" was not just a celebration of the festive season but a splendid homage to a beloved prince and a testament to the enduring spirit of generosity and community in the heart of Monaco.